What is Somatic Reboot?

Modern life has introduced stressors that your body isn’t equipped to handle, leaving the relationship between your fascial matrix and nervous system in a consistent state of compromise. The harmony between these systems determines optimal cellular function and is a root of all disease and dysfunction. When living in a chronic state of survival, your body can’t heal, repair, or function optimally; it’s merely surviving, not thriving.

Somatic Reboot empowers you with a complete system of self care so that you yourself can reset and revitalize your body’s main operating system.

Somatic Reboot For Me

Somatic Reboot For Me is an experiential workshop, available in person or virtually, that teaches you a clinically proven system of self care to reset your mental, physical and emotional well-being. By harmonizing the fascial matrix and nervous system, you’ll reconnect with the “soma”—the body as experienced from within. This approach enhances awareness, self-regulation, and reduces stress by changing habitual patterns of tension and movement. The course promotes resilience, longevity, and a renewed sense of balance. Choose from live 2-day workshops or a 3-5 day private intensive.

Somatic Reboot Training For Wellness & Health Care Providers

Our patients and clients are under a significant amount of multilevel stress. The primal fascial-nervous system is responding accordingly by keeping them in a chronic state of distress leading to disease and dysfunction. Somatic Reboot For Health Care Providers, is a 3-day continuing education series that focuses on a daily, self-care approach for your patients. It will empower you with the practical knowledge, tools, and resources to effectively treat and reset this vital system. Somatic Reboot is a groundbreaking system that treats the “whole person” and amplifies any health care practice.

Somatic Reboot For Health Benefits

Stress affects both physical and mental health, disrupting the immune, hormonal, and nervous systems, leading to tension, pain, and dysfunction. This cycle of pain and stress is costly for employers and impacts workplace performance. Somatic Reboot is a personalized program that helps employees address the physical impacts of stress, improving performance in any environment. With expert health coaches and science-based methods, we promote wellness, resilience, and lasting healthy habits.

Contact Us

Somatic Reboot


2516 Broadway Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80304